August 31, 2007


A few deep red leafs, and som yellow shiftings in all the green suggests that autumn is comming... Soon...

August 30, 2007


This weeks Linsbus theme is "shool", and since I'm not in shool myself anyore I had to find something else... So, I'm new at my work and this little plate I have on my shirt symbolises that I'm still learning, and thats what shool is all about :)

August 29, 2007

Giant chive?

I have no idea what these are called, but they might be one of my favourites. Outstandingly cool!

August 28, 2007


Today is J's birthday, I haven't seen her for almost 10 months and I really miss her. But since we share the want for green fingers and beautiful plants this rhododendron pic is for her today! Happy B-day J!! Eventhough you are very charming, wich is todays tuesday-theme, I decided not to participate in this weeks challange ;)

August 27, 2007


Obviously I didn't take this pic myself, my dad did... But I just had to show what I've been up to. I had sooo much fun, and I just have to move down south so I can spend more time with my sister an her horse "Sophie"!!

August 26, 2007

Pre-school project

The children at the pre-school where my sister used worked planted... My sister has a new job at another pre-school now, but the sunflowers are really high now, and in full bloom!

August 25, 2007


When I go for a walk or a run, I often chose this path.... So I thougt I'd share it with you since this weeks linsbus-theme is darkness

August 24, 2007


Still untouched by the wind. A few minutes later it was all gone...

August 23, 2007


It was a bit hard to catch, but it finally turned out ok.

August 22, 2007


Two o my friends, one crossword puzzle... This was taken a few weeks ago, but I like the picture and today was not a good day for me and the camera (It didn't cooperate with me or the motifs)

August 21, 2007


This weeks tuesday theme is green... This is a close up of the print on one of M's t-shirts, and it's defenetly green =)

If you wanna join in on the fun, just follow this link

August 20, 2007


I took this with my mobile-phone-camera... I'm surprised it turned out so well!

August 19, 2007


SPent a day outside in the sun... played "brännboll" (softball-ish) for the first time in ages... It was FUN!

Night vision

Same roundabout, but from a different angle...

August 17, 2007


This weeks theme from Linsbus is shining...
They're building a roundabout close to where I live, and my thought was to take a pic to show how confusing it is, driving into this building space at night, with reflexes in each and every little "warning-cone". Seen from one side it's absolutley impossible to figure out where your supposed to go, untill you're in the middle of it!!! That was hard to capture with a camera, so I'll share this one with you instead. Taken from the middle of the "soon to be roundabout" in the middle of the night =)

August 16, 2007

Say what?

Are you absolutley sure?? ...or is it just me?

August 15, 2007

My world

This is my latest spontaneous purchase, and I just love it! It's up to date, but has an antique patina.... The only problem is, it's only about 10 cm in diameter. I want a bigger one to!!!
I'm also pleased with our dark kitchen table that worked as a background for this pic... Sorry India about tha flasch-reflection ;)

August 14, 2007


Today I couldn't come up with a good translation of the swedish word "busig", if you know a good one feel fre to give me a hint!!

This might not be my best pic, but i think it represents "busig" quite well!!

August 13, 2007


A very dear friend of mine... Her best feature? She makes me laugh!!

August 12, 2007


This is the latest addition of monuments/sculptures that adorn our roundabouts... I think it's cool! Do I have to add that the steel industry is big here?

August 11, 2007

Blue skyes

We've had wonderful sunny weather today with turquoise blue skies, but its been kinda cold... only 15-16 degrees C... Too bad!

August 10, 2007


I quiet place to watch over your garden, a place in the shadow to escape the hot summer sun....

August 09, 2007

Beach boy

Hot day at the beach and shallow waters... He might be aiming for the bridge, but he'll have to start swimming soon if he want to get there...

August 08, 2007


This weeks theme is scary. I'm not afraid of bugs and spiders, but I find them a bit creapy...
This, not so little, fella visited our beach towel yesturday. Beautiful orange colour, big and hairy. I had no idea you could find such spiders in our little corner of the world.
*click the picture for a larger, in my oppinion better, experience of this pic.

August 07, 2007


How original of me to choose a pic of a puppy when the tuesday theme is sweet =) But I really like this one! One calm, helpful and sharing, the other playing, shaking his head to get the toy all to himself!
In a post from the beginning of july, called"father & son", you can find a newer pic of these two. This pic is about a year old and "father & son" was taken this summer...

August 06, 2007

miniature golf

A nice summerday today. We spent the afternoon at a miniature golf course and had quite a lot of fun!

August 05, 2007


Leftovers on the roof of the "garbage house"... From the neighbours party last night. Beside this there are also 3 mismatching socks and a coupple off odd shoes.

August 04, 2007


a warm fuzzy feeling...

August 03, 2007


Obviously a played a bit with this one...

August 02, 2007


I went for a walk in the rain with my camera, but I took the best pic of today when I came home again, this one, of my umbrella drying of i a corner...
This is also my first linsBuS picture. They have a new theme each week as a challange to those willing to participate, follow he link here if you wanna know more (its in swedish)
This week the theme is different (olika, in swedish), this pic might be more of "same, same, but different"

August 01, 2007

Cats & dogs

Rain from a different angle... I got bored looking at the grey skyes so I started focusing on the roof of the parking area. I like the spooky reflection to the right, I have no idea of what that is!